Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Craziest Fall I've Ever Had

This has got to be the most hectic time of my life.  It seems like since Mama died, everything has been a complete blur.  There was the grief of losing her and then the massive job of renovating her house.  Just when I'm making some progress, I discover floor beams with termite damage.

Do you know what keeps me sane?  October Moon and looking forward to opening our second location on Shoulders Hill Road.  When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping.  I've been shopping for a lot of fun things that I really want to share with all of you. 

Right now October Moon is dressed up for autumn.

But when the store opens Tuesday morning, I'll be changing everything over to a holiday theme.  I'm planning a faerie window with an unusual green sari fabric and a child's Christmas window featuring vintage Madame Alexander dolls.  They were a staple under the tree for little girls back in the day.  I'm not sure what else I'll do.  You'll have to come in to see. 

I bought this amazing art deco vanity recently. Isn't the etching on the triple mirror gorgeous?
I picked up this golden statue not too long ago. I love her.  Look how exquisite her little face is.
This sweet tea set with violets on it is ready for a grandmother and her special girl to have tea and cupcakes.
Wow, I can hardly believe the calendar says November..  Hope to see you soon!

Cherish the antique and unique,
